Commemorative Walkway at Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church
The commemorative walkways (aka Brick Campaign) began as a parish fundraising program for Holy Trinity at the time of Opening of the Doors in 2008. It has become a vehicle to honor individuals who have impacted our parish, while it continues to provide a wonderful opportunity for people to create a lasting memory for a myriad of reasons
Show your support to Holy Trinity by purchasing a 4x8 paver with 3 lines for $100, or an 8x8 paver with 6 lines for $250. The net profit supports parish operations.
Brochures are available on the card rack in the Church Hall and by clicking the button below. Alternately, please contact Connie Espinosa at connie.l.espinosa@gmail.com to assist in this parish ministry.
Your support is a lasting tribute that will honor a veteran, a family member, a loved on, business or an organization.