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Make God’s love present to youth and young adults

The spiritual and communal benefits of our being baptized into the Holy Orthodox Church gives people of all ages to fully live a life in Christ.  Activities offered to the children of Holy Trinity provide opportunities for all to grow in faith while engaging in creative activities as a family of faith.


From September to May, our devoted, caring teachers encourage spiritual growth in the lives of our youngest parishioners.  In addition to learning about our Faith, the classes provide an opportunity for the children to socialize and share a sense of community with others. 


To register your child for Sunday School, please complete the Registration Form

(click to open) and return to the Church.


For additional information, please contact our Sunday School Coordinator: 



Serving in the Holy Altar is a special privilege and honor.  The altar is a place where Christ is always present both spiritually and physically; the sanctuary is Holy ground, the “Holiest of Holies” and the place of Sanctification.  Wherever Christ is present, the angels are also present, praising Him and ready to serve Him in whatever way is needed.  Altar boys are very privileged because they are here to serve Christ.  An Altar boy’s behavior, attitude, service should reflect “fear of God, Faith in God and love of God”. 


Please contact the Parish Priest or Church Office about serving in the Altar.


The Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Youth of America (GOYA) strengthens the relationship of young Orthodox Christians with our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. The program works to educate and edify young members of the Church encouraging them to become active sacramental participants in the life of the Body of Christ. GOYA ministry incorporates worship (liturgia), fellowship (koinonia), service (diakonia) and witness (martyria).


The mission and goal of GOYA is to lead our young people into experiencing the Holy Orthodox Faith. By developing a personal relationship with our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ and becoming active sacramental members of the living Church, our young people will be equipped with the tools necessary to assist them in their journey toward salvation.


GOYA is for young people ages 13-18. All sixth through twelfth graders are welcome to participate. 


To find out how to get involved, please reach out to: Connie Espinosa at or Andy Lekos at 


We are fortunate to have two groups of dancers.  The Nisiotes are made up of a mix of college age and adults.  The Asteria is the children’s dance troupe.  These groups learn dances from various parts of Greece and wear traditional costumes.  They perform at our annual Greek Festival in October, Greek Nights and special events!  Everyone loves them! 

For more information, or to join, please contact the Church Office:

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